
EU RO MR new Product Evaluation Tool (PEP) released

The new Product Evaluation Process has been developed by the EU RO MR Group in replacement of the previous Simplified Risk Based Method (SRBM) to provide a technically founded evaluation tool for determining the possibility to develop EU RO MR Technical Requirements (TRs), and ultimately to test products for their eligibility to enter the Mutual Recognition scheme.

In comparison to the SRBM, the PEP has been developed as a more technically sophisticated tool in which the Classification Rules of all EU ROs are screened with respect to the product and its application cases. It distinguishes three evaluation levels (Basic, Product and System), which evaluate basic regulatory requirements, product specific requirements and then any additional requirements stemming from the application case of the product within a ship’s system.

The PEP is a transparent tool, available to industry, and intended for use by the manufacturer for a preliminary check of the potential eligibility of a product being considered for Mutual Recognition of Type Approval against any of the EU RO’s Rules. Final evaluation is carried out by the EU RO MR Group against all EU RO’s Classification Rules.

The PEP and instruction manual have undergone an industry consultation in 2019, and have been fine-tuned with the help of industry participants.

The official PEP overview document with the following appendixes can be downloaded from the MR Group website here:

• Appendix 1 Product Evaluation Process (PEP)

• Appendix 2 PEP Instruction Manual

• Appendix 3 PEP Questionnaire Template

For general information please visit our website www.euromr.org.

Technical information regarding the MR scheme can be found in the Framework Document (https://www.euromr.org/technical-requirements)

Please contact the MR Group Secretariat for any queries (mailto: [email protected]).